The Academy is committed to the vital contribution all Governors and staff can make to safeguarding children. We will strive to make sure that every student in the Academy feels secure, well cared for, and able to reach their full potential.
We will ensure all our own staff, other professionals, parents/carers and students work together to know the rules about keeping children safe. They will understand the importance of following procedures and listening to each other, especially when there are concerns about safety.
Esafety is a responsibility of all staff, pupils and parents. If you need advice or have concerns click here to access the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Website.
The Academy will work hard to reduce all the kinds of harm that children can suffer, including abuse, bullying, discrimination and avoidable injuries. If you have any concerns at all about the safety or welfare of a child please do not hesitate to contact us on 01375484490 or via our contact emails (below)
At Harris Primary Academy Chafford Hundred we have a team approach to the role of Designated Staff Member for Safeguarding with Kimberley Lubrun, leading the team. All DSL's have the Thurrock DSL training and in addition the team are all Safer Recruitment trained. As part of our commitment to safeguarding we ensure that all class teachers, as well as the leadership team receive Thurrock Level 3 Designated Safeguarding Lead training.
Contact telephone numbers
Thurrock Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH): 01375 652802
Thurrock Emergency Duty Team: 01375 372468
Local Authority Designated Officers (LADO): 01375/ 01376 652921
Police: 111 (or 999 if there is an immediate risk or threat)
The Lead Designated Member of Staff for Safeguarding is Miss K Lubrun (Acting Vice Principal)
The Deputy Lead Designated Members of Staff for Safeguarding are,
Miss L Arnell (Head of Academy)
Miss K Hanley (Executive principal)
Ms S Munson (Assistant Principal)
Miss A Nash (Acting Vice Principal)
Mrs L Bateman (Medical Officer)
Mrs J Greenhalgh ( HLTA S&L/Asst SENCO
Mrs R Alkinani (100 Club Leader)
The Governor with lead responsibility for Safeguarding is Mrs Michelle Cunningham (Governor)
Please find the most up to date 'Keeping Children Safe in Education 2024' document attached below.
Extremism and Radicalisation
In June 2014, the Prime Minister emphasised the important role that British values can play in education. Further, how well a school promotes such values is an aspect of Ofsted’s inspection process.
Although in the current climate, this is something which is developing in its significance for schools, it is not something new at Harris Primary Academy Chafford Hundred. British values are promoted in much of what we do, during school assemblies, Religious Education, Philosophy and Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) sessions.
As well as actively promoting British values, we will actively challenge pupils, staff or parents expressing opinions contrary to fundamental British values, including 'extremist' views.
The British values we espouse are not unique to Britain. We acknowledge that they differ in no way from the values of the many countries and the cultural backgrounds represented by families at Harris Primary Academy Chafford Hundred
We have a clear strategy to tackling extremism and acting early to address any issues of radicalisation. We are aware that some pupils and families may be vulnerable to radicalisation and follow the government's channel guidance (Attached as a key document to this page) as well as having a consistent approach to the teaching of values, which we term British Values, through our taught and extra-curricular curriculum offer.
We work closely to ensure our Prevent approach identifies any pupils that may be in danger of radicalisation and to make referrals to the Thurrock MASH (Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub) service as with any other safeguarding concerns.
The Lead Member of Staff for Prevent is Miss Katie Hanley, Executive Principal (WRAP number: 9744185)
Please contact the academy to request paper copies of any information on the website you may need. This service is free of charge.