Equalities & Additional Intervention
Annual Equality Statement and Action Plan
Harris Primary Academy Chafford Hundred is committed to inclusion and part of the Academy’s strategic planning involves developing cultures, policies and practices that include all learners. We aim to engender a sense of community and belonging, and to offer new opportunities to learners who may have experienced previous difficulties. This does not mean that we will treat all learners in the same way, but that we will respond to learners in ways that take in to account their varied life experiences and needs.
We believe that educational inclusion is about equal opportunities for all learners, whatever their age, gender, demographic group, ethnicity, additional need, attainment and background. We pay particular attention to the provision for and the achievement of different groups of learners:
- from families that are financially disadvantaged (PP - Pupil Premium)
- who are Looked After Children (LAC)
- who arrive with below nationally expected ability in any area (LAPs)
- boys or girls
- from minority faiths, ethnicities, travellers, asylum seekers, refugees
- who have English as an additional language (EAL)
- with Special Educational Needs or a Disability (SEND)
- who are more able, gifted or talented
- who are Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transgender (LGBT)
- young carers, sick children, children from families under stress
1. Our Equality Duty: Please click link at bottom of page. We believe that all children should be equally valued at our Academy. We will strive to eliminate prejudice and discrimination, and to develop an environment where all children can flourish and feel safe.
2. Our Pupil Premium Fund: Please click links at bottom of page for detailed reports of spending for 2018-19 and impact during 2017-18.
The pupil premium is part of our overall budget that we receive annually. We are required to account specifically about how we use this fund. It is allocated based on the number of children meeting a national criteria based on the Ever 6 Measure. That includes the total number of:
- Pupils eligible for fee school meals – within the last 6 years
- Children looked after
- Service children
We use our funding to precisely target specific teaching and learning programmes or related activities. All our pedagogy and practice (including use of some commercial programmes) is research based with strong evidence of having impact here at Harris Primary Academy Chafford Hundred during 2017-18 or prior to that, in schools nationally or internationally.
We are committed to ensuring that all our pupils progress very well and access high quality teaching and provision - every day. We carefully track the progress of all children, at least every six weeks, including our disadvantaged pupils in every class. The information is shared with all parents and carers via our half term reports detailing pupil progress and attainment. Tracking also enables us to evaluate the impact of our teaching and intervention programmes so we can adjust provision and tailor support. That way, we can make sure we are having the desired impact on pupils’ learning and progress.
Programmes are used across our Early Years, KS1 & KS2 to help identified children accelerate progress in their mathematics, reading, writing, speaking and listening.
Pupil Premium funded activity during 2017 -18 clearly relates to our high quality outcomes (measured by the standard assessment tests called SATs) at the end of KS1 and 2.
3. Additional Interventions: We provide a range of additional interventions including;
Maths and English Booster Sessions
We offer before school booster sessions for pupils in all year groups from Year 1 to 6, targeted at moving them forward in specific aspects of their maths and English learning. These sessions are led by teachers and senior leaders and target groups in each year group which are identified as being vulnerable.
Easter Booster Week
We offer a week's taught time for identified target pupils from Years 2 and 6 during the Easter holiday. This includes a significant group of our Free School Meal Ever pupils. The children receive 1-1 and small group tuition in reading, writing and mathematics, depending upon their identified target area.
Read Write Inc.
A highly differentiated approach to teaching phonics and early literacy . The programme was developed by Ruth Miskin who is one of the UK's leading authorities on teaching children to read. One of her team regularly visit and work closely with us at Harris Priumary Academy Chafford Hundred to continually assure quality, evaluate and improve our teaching and programme delivery.
We also offer;
Subsidised breakfast club
A provision to ensure all our pupils access a healthy and prompt start to their school day.
Education Welfare support
We have a dedicated Family Liaison Officer who provides specific and tailored support for individual families to support pupil attendance, punctuality as well as helping with uniform issues and thereby, access to education.
Dedicated Senior Leader support
Providing 1:1 Tuition and group interventions for pupils at risk of underachievement in Key Stage 2 to secure their secondary readiness.
4. Our Primary Sport Funding: please see our curriculum section for how we use of this additional money and how monitor the impact of that spending.
By the end of Year 6, 94% of pupils in Year 6 are able to swim the national curriculum expectation of 25m.
Please find a link below to the Thurrock Council local offer
Please contact the academy to request paper copies of any information on the website you may need. This service is free of charge.