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A big shout out to HPACH great video and Happy Chinese New Year.


A big shout out to HPACH great video and Happy Chinese New Year.


Happy Chinese New Year! What a lovely day, wearing bright colours and learning about Chinese new year at HPACH, where we're all about celebrating diversity.Check out the snippet of the video that we watched in the online whole school assembly!


Happy Chinese New Year! What a lovely day, wearing bright colours and learning about Chinese new year at HPACH, where we're all about celebrating diversity.Check out the snippet of the video that we watched in the online whole school assembly!


We Remember ❤️


We are consulting on our admissions arrangement for 2023-24. Please see our website for more details.


We are consulting on our admissions arrangement for 2023-24. Please see our website for more details.


What a great end to Summer School! The children have worked so hard and have been fantastic - well done to everyone that attended! The children were also introduced to Countdown and they may have outsmarted the teachers 😬 🕰


What a great end to Summer School! The children have worked so hard and have been fantastic - well done to everyone that attended! The children were also introduced to Countdown and they may have outsmarted the teachers 😬 🕰


Welcome back to all our new Year 6 pupils! Well done to all the children joining us in school and online this week


More great work from our pupils working online at home and in school


Great work from our pupils working online from home...keep up the fantastic work!


Great to see so many of our Year 6 pupils join our Teams Leavers Assembly yesterday


Such a great opportunity for our pupils to learn about their Year 7 experience in September and ask questions that they have. Thank you Miss Sivyer


Great to be part of the Year 6 to Year 7 transition meeting for pupils this morning


Our second Year 6 transition bulletin has been sent out. This week, hear from our Head of Academy; Mr Glees. Also read the top tips from Jack in Year 7. All Y6 Bulletins will also be available on our website.


Our second Year 6 transition bulletin has been sent out. This week, hear from our Head of Academy; Mr Glees. Also read the top tips from Jack in Year 7. All Y6 Bulletins will also be available on our website.


Here is a link to our assembly on Effective Communication led by Mr Drakes


Here is a link to our latest assembly ‘People who Inspire us’ led by Mrs Cottis


It is almost the start of a new week and here is Mr Perry’s Sports Challenge 3

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All Academies in our Federation aim to transform the lives of the students they serve by bringing about rapid improvement in examination results, personal development and aspiration.

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Music and Performing Arts

Music is an art form that expresses ideas and emotions through sound, rhythm, melody or harmony. Music is a form of language which evokes movement and emotion.  Music engages the brain while stimulating neural pathways associated with higher forms of intelligence, memory and an improved mental health.

In our teaching of music we will cover:

  • Pitch, Duration, Dynamics, Tempo, Timbre, Texture and Structure, Composition, Performance
  • A range of styles of music
  • History of music

A musician needs the following skills, which will be embedded within our curriculum

Intent: introduction, vision, and philosophy

The purpose of this document is to clarify the how, why, and what of music we are teaching. This is to be used by staff to clarify expectations, highlight the resources that we have access to, and to ensure that a high-quality music curriculum is being taught to all of our pupils in our academy. 

We ensure that our music teaching engages and inspires our pupils to develop a love of music and their talent as musicians, and so increase their self-confidence, creativity, and sense of achievement.  As our pupils progress, we see them develop a critical engagement with music, allowing them to compose, and to listen with discrimination to the best in the musical canon.

As part of our teaching, children with the skills needed to be a musician, which include being analytical, being able to persevere, listening, communicate effectively with others and to have a sense of rhythm.  We encourage children to participate in a variety of musical experiences through which we aim to build up the confidence of all children.  Our teaching focuses on developing our children’s ability to sing in tune both on their own and as part of a group.  We teach them to listen and appreciate different forms of music and provide them with the vocabulary to effectively participate in discussions based on their own opinion of different pieces of music.  We encourage our children to use their analytical skills in music lessons when learning about how music can represent feelings and emotions, critically engaging both in the work of composers, their own and their peers work.

Implementation: what does Music teaching look like?

Music in the Early Years Foundation Stage

Children sing songs, make music and dance, and experiment with ways of changing them.  This is done through singing songs and listening to a range of music types.  We also have access to a wide range of musical instruments.  We encourage our children to join in with a wide variety of songs and dances and give them the opportunity within our provision to experiment with how different objects and instruments make noises.

Music in Key Stage 1 and 2

Throughout key stage 1 and 2 at Harris Primary Academy Chafford Hundred, we use a progression grid which outlines the minimum expectation of what should be taught in each year group including relevant vocabulary.  By following this progression, we ensure that knowledge is building upon what the children have remembered from what they have previously been taught.

We recognise that the national curriculum is a minimum expectation of what should be taught to our children therefore we strive to deepen our students’ understanding.  To ensure that this is part of our teaching at Chafford Hundred we have outlined examples of how students would show a deeper understanding of music:

Each half term a new unit is taught which covers the National Curriculum objectives and allows our children to make meaningful connections. To support our teaching of music at Chafford Hundred, we use Charanga; providing teachers with a framework to build units of work and lessons and resources to be adapted for the needs of each class.

Across key stage 1 and 2, music is taught for one hour a week, broken into 2x 30-minute lessons. One focuses on music and the other on singing.


Our pupils have the opportunity to record their music learning in a variety of ways, which is then recorded in an end of unit video.  Evidence of learning is dependent on the lesson outcome; year group and the knowledge and skills being developed.  It could be in the form of a performance, discussion, photographs, practising, pupil voice or teacher voice. 

Subject leaders conduct learning walks and pupil interviews to measure the impact of our teaching, based on how much children can remember and how they can articulate what they have learnt.

Subject leaders will meet with their counterparts from other cluster schools half-termly and will moderate the planning, work and monitoring outcomes from their setting to ensure that standards are exceeding the expectations of the National Curriculum.

Subject Leaders - Ms S Glover and Ms M Allen   

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